Sunday, April 3, 2011


Welcome to my blog of Globalization and Professional Change. In this blog you will find my thoughts on various issues that affect us. I hope it will be interesting to you.

I would like to make an introduction about me. My name is Danae and I was born in 1988 in a neighborhood called Abetxuko in Vitoria-Gasteiz. This city is the capital of the Basque Country in the north of Spain. My neighborhood was a very small town that has been getting into the city because it has grown in recent years. The Abetxuko people are very friendly and we are like a family, we all know, we all help ... is a quiet place, but full of life and their parties are incredible, because we dress in traditional costume.


Vitoria-Gasteiz is a green city, surrounded by parks, trees ... and people on the street, we love being outside with friends, taking us a kalimotxo, beer, patxaran ...

The Basque Country is a magical place, full of nature, charm and mystery, a romance place.

I am very happy in my neighborhood with my people, but I love to travel and see new places, new customs, new people ... I am a very active person, I love going to the mountains, riding a bike, swimming, dancing ... I can not spend the day at home, I need to move. I also love children so I studied childhood education and special education now. I,ve got the title as a monitor of free time and I am a volunteer at a group of Abetxuko, with children from 9 to 17 years. Children are my passion, I love being with them, playing, jumping, teach and learn.

Every Saturday, we meet with them, one weekend a month we go to a shelter and in summer we go 15 days to the midst of nature, and for me, that is one of the best moment of the year. My dream would be to work with children and always enjoy mi job, I like to travel and learn from other people, feel that i am alive and happy.