Challenge 3

Challenge 3: What tools can we use to become open minded?
In this class we told about cultural shock and they effects in our society and in our behavior. We spoke about the cultural influences.
First exercise in pairs:
-How do you present yourself in your country?
We say our name, surnames, age, where we live, our studies or job.

-Besides your name, what is self-evident in the way you present yourself in your culture? Besides the name we give together two kisses.

-Why is it self-evidence?
Because we always do that in you can see, is visible.

When we know other country we have got a lot of questions about their culture, traditions, language, religion… because there are a lot of differences between the countries. In my group there was a Belgium boy and in his country they only have one surname, in Spain, for example, we have a lot, all that you can remember, but we only use two. So there is a simple thing, but it is strange for me and I made him a lot of questions and he also.
After the exercise the teacher spoke about the learning by addition and learning through accommodation:  
-Learning by additionassimilation is the individual´s adaptation of impressions from the environment into previously developed psychological structures. By means of this assimilation is additions and extensions to existing cognitive schemes or knowledge structures. In the context of assimilation one could talk of learning by addition.
-Learning through accommodation – when you accommodate new knowledge you change already existing schemes and replace them with new knowledge. The new knowledge can be characterized as transcendent learning.
Then we made a group activity in which we had to say what means “culture shock” for us. When I arrive to Copenhagen my culture shock was prejudices, because I didn’t know nobody, nothing, and I made prejudices about the people and the place. But now I know that I was wrong, with that prejudices I couldn’t see the reality. And in my opinion also the other people had prejudices about me, because they can see where I am from, and a lot of persons know the politic situation of my country and they think all of us are equal, and this is not true. In conclusion, my word to defining cultural shock is prejudices.
What tools we can use to become open-mind?
Open-mind: receptive to new and different ideas or the opinions of others, having a mind receptive to new ideas, arguments, etc.; unprejudiced.
Aristotle once said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Listening to others' ideas may not be easy, but it could be a valuable way to learn something new or change your perspective on life.
We need be "right". We seem to have developed an obsession for being right, knowing the truth, and having the most up-to-date and accurate information. Realize that no one, not even you, can have all the answers; everyone's "truth" is going to be only part of the truth. So what if someone else's theory is partially true? That shouldn't cause you to doubt your own belief system unless you would like to. The more you can have a "to each his own" attitude, the more relaxed you will feel while discussing different ideas.
Realize that people's beliefs are shaped by genes, personality, disposition, life experiences, and historical context.
Practice the art of listening carefully. You may need to bite your tongue if you feel the need to lash out with your opinions. Even if you disagree with someone's view, you can reflect back what they're saying to make them feel heard.
Do some research. If you often find yourself saying, "Why would someone do that?" or "I can't imagine doing that" or "People are so ignorant!" you may need look into other peoples' lives and way of thinking. Having at least a base knowledge of different subjects will not only give you a chance to expand your perspective, it will give you more credibility when speaking to others.
Pick your battles carefully. Sometimes you will never understand someone else's point of view and they won't get yours. Taking a stand for your beliefs does not require you to argue with every person every time you talk about it.
What kind of questions can you ask in order to reach understanding of a known-unknown situation?

-Tables and chairs
-The dog
-There are no glasses in the windows.
-All the class in general (tables, blackboard…)
-That kind of chairs
-The position of the tables (in groups)
-Work group into the class
-They are sitting in the same direction
-No walls
-No tables or chairs
-No blackboard
-No building
-A tree into the class


In my opinion is very important to keep an open mind towards other cultures, other traditions, other opinions, ideas, people ... because if we have an open mind, we will educate our students and children in a society which is open to everyone. We can educate them on globalization.

It is important to respect others, respect other countries, other faiths ... to also respect you. In this way we will be able to have a better world, without prejudice, without jealousy, without discrimination ... because all we respect and we accept together, we will be free and probably happier.