Challenge 5


Challenge 5: What is a cultural identity and cultural hybridity?

My personal pie chart:


Group concept map:

My personal choice:
-Identity: the set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable as a member of a group
-Hybriditysomething of mixed origin or composition, such as a word whose elements are derived from different languages
-Diaspora: a dispersion of a people from their original homeland
-International: of, relating to, or involving two or more nations



This class has been a reflection of who we are, what we feel for our culture and what is the most important for us: local, national or international. In general, we have all said that the most important for us is the local things, our culture and environment, but in the other classes we were in favor of globalization, so, how we can believe in globalization if we think that the local things are more important than the international things?

This class has opened my eyes a bit more to know that our way of thinking and seeing things must change, we must be more open mind and our thinking has to be more global, because I think our future is a global education.