Challenge 2


Challenge 2: How Can schools and learning enviroments for children and youth go global today?

Globalization: is a process of internaction and integration among the people, companies, and goverments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information tecnhonogy. This process has effects on the enviroment, on culture, on polutical systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

Internationalization: has been viewed as a process of increasing involvement of enterprises in international markets, although there is no agreed definition of internationalization theories which try to explain why there are internetional activities.

Statical interaction (social, economy, politics)
Bring the world love
Mixture cultures
International citizenship
Interaction even between just two people / countries
Co-existence (cultures connection)
Cultural ex-change

What is important for children/pupils/students to learn?

-Respect between people from diferent countries.
-Positive actitude.
-Speak diferents languages.
-Ask questions when you don´t know or understand something -- because you can have answers:

  * WHAT?
       -What are you going to teach and why?
       -What are our students going to archive/learn?

  * WHY?
       -Why are you going to colaborate internationally?
       -Why are you going to work with this project?


In my opinion, global education is needed to have a better world in which there is respect. In this class we learned the importance of global education and the difference between this and the internazionalización. Furthermore, we saw different systems to work the globalization in our classrooms with our students and it is very important to our future.

Global education must be a reality, so we have to work hard to have it as soon as possible to have a better education and a better world.